=screams happily and crazily=
had lots of fun doing them while we had Computer class aka ICT the best subject in the world (second to Lit lah, but anyway)...
so here are some really nice ones that were SO true...

You Are 80% Boyish and 20% Girlish

You have a tough exterior - and usually a tough interior to match it.

You're no nonsense, logical, and very assertive.

Sometimes you can't understand women at all, even if you're a woman yourself.

You see things rationally, and don't like to let your emotions get the best of you.

LOL so true!

Your Inner Color is Orange

Your Personality: A total daredevil, you'll try any thrill. You're easily bored and you prefer to be on the go.

You in Love: You see love as an adventure, and you find most men dull. You need someone who challenges you!

Your Career: Your ideal job is flexible, fun, and maybe a little dangerous. You have the makings of a private investigator or extreme athlete.

I <3 orange. So this is right too...

You Are 4% Girly

Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.

And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.

Another one that clearly shows I'm so NOT a girl.

You Are 56% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.

Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

And winneh dear is what, 100%?! Dang...must be evil-er!

What Your Easter Egg Says About You

You are whimsical, spontaneous, and fun loving.

You connect well with people, but nature is your true love.

Changing locations and scenery is important to your creativity.

You are inspired by the surroundings around you

This egg was totally quote naddeh dear, FUNKEH!

Your Personality Profile

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.

Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.

You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.

You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.

You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.


You Should Be A Poet

You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.

And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...

Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.

You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem.

Yes! YES! sorry

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:

"Look ma! No hands!"

LOL! So farny!

You Are Wrestling

You are a very physical person, and people underestimate your mind.

You are always figuring out your next move, and you can make decisions quickly.

Anyone who dares to step into the (figurative) ring with you should watch out!

YEAH! possibly the closest to judo I can get!

Your Power Color Is Gold

At Your Highest:

You are engrossed in passions that mentally stimulate you.

At Your Lowest:

You seek thrills and neglect what's important in your life.

In Love:

You see dating as adventure and approach it with an open attitude.

How You're Attractive:

Your passion for life makes others passionate about you.

Your Eternal Question:

"Am I Having Fun?"

Wow totally man!

Okay I think I shall end here. But I love these quizzes!

Moira :)

Let's lay down some rules/confessions/etc., shall we?


This is the one and only time I'm writing this, so if later you want to know anything, too bad.

1) I know I've been raving about Fanfiction and FF7 for the past, hoo boy, year? Half a year? If you guys find my profile sheet in there, amazing. If you don't, I'm not going to tell you anything. Anything I wrote there is either a) crap, b) weird, or c) drabble. So you should get it by now.

2) The whole Fanfiction thing, I hope, is a fad, but if it goes on, my life might become hooked to it, and slowly, I might become a monster. A programmable writing monster.

3) I have issues with:
a) my weight
b) my horrible writing skills
c) the fact I choose pairings everyone doesn't like
d) the fact that my HDM fanfiction is not really going anywhere
e) anger management
d) envy that evolves into irrational hatred
f) inability to perform up to standard

4) I hate myself. Yes. I do.

5) Everything's either wrong or going to go wrong in my life.

6) Why are you reading this? I'm not sure. But anyways, know that I'm having an angst attack, so you might want to clear off or disregard this till I start listening to livelier songs.

7) Self-proclaimed fan of Nickelback/Avril Lavigne/Linkin Park/Simple Plan/Reno (that's the character)/Vincent (but not together! That would be...ughhh...WRONG!)

I can't think of anything else. If there's any more you want to know, I'll see if I'll add it in...


Is this Love?

Is it,
the mussing of my hair,
the nickname that you coined,
the fondness that radiates in your eyes?

Is it,
the laughter that resonates,
the secret grins before a fight,
the assurance that everything will be alright?

Is it,
the strength in your arms,
lifting me weightlessly,
in that search for freedom?

Is it,
the smoothing back of hair,
the talk of another life,
that has both me and you?

Is it,
the eyes of one who knows he's lost,
but struggles on,
to protect at all costs?

Is it,
the final goodbye,
when you try and say,
that everything's going to be fine?

Is it,
the tears that fall,
when you're broken,
when I'm whole?

Is it,
the rain falling,
the scream echoing,
because I'll never tell you what I've just found out?

In all my ignorance,
That you showed me
what love is.


A/N: You didn't need to understand that. And its better that you don't. Off to French and death, whoop-de-frickin-doo!

The Five, 5's Part...
Guess where I found this? You got it. Fanfiction.net

Name 5 things that scare the living crap out of you...
1. French Tests (ORAL!)
2. DOGS! They freak me out!
3. Yuffentine. You have no idea how scary this is. BTW, this stands for the pairing Vincent Valentine X Yuffie Kisaragi. WTH?! Our resident emo guy with a chipper, over-enthu girl that's half his age? Hello?! Get a life man...
4. Cloud/Aerith. No way. NO WAY! I dislike this pairing a lot. Call it an irrational hatred.
5. Not writing. I'LL FRICKIN DIE!

Name the 5 movies that really made you think...And what did they make you think about
1. Dark Knight - What heroes really are for (blaming all the world's problems on them)
2. Ratatouille - That rats are really clean!
3. Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children - That rebirth of a nation that's been struck by a Meteor IS possible, and Reno has officially broken the lines of insanity.
4. Freedom Writers - That I'm really lucky that no one discriminates against me.
5. Men in Black 2 - That nothing's EVER fair.

Name 5 things you'd like to see stopped or destroyed
1. The Iraq war.
2. Global Warming
3. The state of my class. Dismal I tell you.
4. Hypocrisy
5. Lack of Reviews (petty, I know, but this IS my list)

Name 5 Things that inspire you...
1. Music usually does the trick.
2. Reading a really good story or book.
3. Praying and Confession (do you know how calming it is to have absolutely NOTHING between God and you?)
4. Dreams (I swear, all my dreams have plots).
5. Watching dance shows. Any dance show.

Name 5 Oddities about yourself...
1. I write. A lot.
2. I like Literature (oh horror of horrors right?)
3. I'm (according to Ben) more boy than girl.
4. I find myself thinking about stories during math examinations. As in, the plot for my next chapter etc. Weird and distracting.
5. I'm a level 5 skier and hoping for levels 6 and 7 this year in Tahoe. (We're going back to continue our "schooling" ie. me and sis XD)

1. The person who tagged me...
Benjamin (frickin) Wong

2. Your relationship with him/her...
Baboon, fellow 6Kers, and nice, I guess?

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her...
Relatively Nice

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you...
Uh...hmmm, lets me rant to him, in exchange for him ranting to me, about the most mundane things.

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you...
Uhhh... "Poor you"? That was pretty weird...but I guess it's as nice as he gets.

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
No way man! I'd probably think he's weird or smth. But I don't believe in love. So yeah...

7. If he/she becomes your lover, one thing he/she will have to improve on will be...
He has to cut down on the egoistic view of everything. Seriously :)

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
Dao him. Throw him. All the things I do to people I don't like.

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...
He's too egoistic for his own good.

10. You want to tell for now he/she is...
What kind of grammar is that?!

11. Your overall impression of him/her is...
He's nice. As in, not the cliche type. The i-can-talk-to-him-plus-make-a-bloody-fool-of-myself-even-though-we-spend-most-of-the-time-screaming-in-caps :)

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?
I'm okay to them. Funny, cynical, angst-ridden, but understanding in a disturbing way.

13. The character you love about yourself is...
I can express myself. As much or as little as I like.

14. On the contrary, what you hate about yourself is...
I speak too much, and I'm too hot headed to be a fantastic friend. I'm only a good friend if you like truth, frankness, and an acquired taste in humour.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is...
hmmm...I'd like to be, Amarissia maybe? or MikariStar or something. They're both very, I repeat, VERY well-liked Fanfiction writers for Final Fantasy 7. But I'd like to have a feel how it would be like...that's all I think. Also, I'd like to be, Tifa I think, or maybe Yuffie. They're great at fighting, but still remain decorum. Or maybe Reno. I don't know.

16. For people who care and like you, say something to them...
Family - I'm not the easiest person to get along with, but thanks for being there with hugs, kisses and ears to hear me! Wootz ^^
Friends - Thanks SO much for putting up with me!
Reviewers (if you ever find this) - Thanks for the LOVE through words! Fanfic all the way man!

17. Pass this on to 10 people to see how they feel about you...
Rei? Maybe
Amanda Hsiung?
BEN! Damn you! I am NOT obsessed with fanfic...maybe I am, but don't say it until I've figured out whether or not I am.
Jonathan? I think...

A/N: Benjamin Wong, don't you dare give me another one of these things!

Oh no...School Here I come!

So, it's school tomorrow.

Good Luck Everyone.

I've been slacking more than I should have this holiday. But I will work this term. It's EOYs for french and school, so I will do well. I WILL!

I hope. And I'm just writing a little bit, very little, so I don't sidetrack from the goal.

Yes, it's true, Anne will be working hard. She will.

And she will be doing well for Chinese! and FRENCH! Must work for French. Must work...

Oh no, well, leave me to my angst filled self and go back and pack for your day of school.

I'll be seeing you all around, hopefully.

In school, in MSN or just in thoughts.

I will.

And wish me luck too.


The Amazing Escapades of a Writing Psychopath
So the current toll of Challenge Fics done is: 26.
Not like anyone cares.
As you can see, once I start hitting the Enter Key too many times for comfort, you should get the hint that this will be (my trademark in Fanfic.net): Short, Ambiguous, and Angst.
Whoop-dee-do right?

Angst=My writing as a whole
Unlike SNYSF, all my other fics are currently on a standstill, either because:
a) They're oneshots/single-chaptered fiction pieces
b) They're discontinued for the moment.

All my efforts are focused on making SNYSF one of the most epic HDM fanfictions ever.
Because we're a small community, I think I'm the only one whose been getting over 50 reviews.
But AN-Y-WAYS, on to my day.

I had my first hip hop dance class today.
Too short, I wish it was longer.
It's very different from ballet is an understatement (nominated for Understatement of the Year).
And I like it.
Really love it.
Get the Groove, Get the Music On, and Dance your Life Away.

If I use that motto for my life,
My groove is Angst.
The music is either Nickelback's Savin' Me or Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway.
And the Dance is Writing, Singing, Reading, Praying, Jazzing and Hip-Hop-ing.

Ready to jump to the beat with me, and start grooving?

We'll see.

Signing off,

things I've done, achieved, gotten:
new zinc bag

can go for grading for yellow belt
hand gloves with cut-off finger parts
36 fanfictions
43 favourited my stories
total of 777 hits from the start of the month
half-done in terms of challenge
Has anyone realised, when you listen to loud, numbing, angsty music,read tragic and no-happy-endings-in-sight fanfiction, and think about your screwed up life, you tend to write loud, numbing, angsty, tragic, no-happy-endings-in-sight, screwed up fanfiction? Well, I have.

Also, I've found out, to write a good fanfiction, you really need to get up, and act out the whole scene, so things that are out-of-place, for example, a vampire becoming sappy (guess who), don't come into-the-place. I've acted out some of the scenes from SNYSF (yes Gabor I have) and I realised, having Lyra fall in a picture-perfect, utterly sappy, way, and have Will catch her, is not correct.

Thus the next chapter was born, based on unconventional dealings of the most conventional events.

And looking at it, I feel a gush of triumph, randomly, but a gush nonetheless. I've added part of me into that piece, and I'm glad. Very.

To change focus, I've (I could kill myself for this) started playing Crisis Core again. Dang, I should never pick that damn-blasted idiotic PSP up anymore.

First of all, my sister HAS to rub in that her character died after mine. But after reading the script of the game, I've realised it's worse than that.

****** Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core Spoilers Start ******

Not only is Genesis alive again, he's making a bloody fool of himself running around like a maniac, randomly cloning himself into multitudes of mad monsters. Oh boy.

He's better before he "died" at least he didn't quote the SAME LINE from the SAME PLAY at the completely WRONG TIMES. Seriously, if you're gonna die and make me really angst-ridden because of it, you better STAY frickin DEAD!

****** Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core Spoilers End ******

Then, I realise I still can't beat Angeal, even when I'm lvl 24 and Sky High DMW and mastered Blizzara. I mean WTH man...

Changing focus again, I've bought the album Faith. It's very nice, and doing well to curb the intense angst whirlwind I've fallen into. If I ever tell you readers my pen name, you'll die of angst if you read all my fanfics at once. Let's just say, my fanfics are angst-ridden is the official winner (Save the one: You are late. inside joke) of the Understatement of The Year awards 2008. Hands down.

Argh, this post is long and Gabor's coming back online soon. Better get cracking on chapter 19...

And Summer's snapshot scenes for Chapter 8 and 9.

Oh no, here we go again.


If you need a song to listen to, listen to "World" by Five for Fighting or "Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson. Seriously.

I've officially written 35 fanfiction pieces. Amazing right? Anyways total of 2757 and counting have hit on my piece, So Near Yet So Far. Pro huh? And my next best should be either "Attempts at Healing the Broken" or "Multitasking", I'm not so sure. I have an average of 2000 words per piece...

As a total, I think 5 people favourite-authored me, 39 have favourite-storied one fo my stories or more. So I'm happy. And reviews are coming in! FINALLY!

And my co-writer SJO just told me I was prolific in my fic writing. Amazing. And our dear Gabor said my blog was hard to read. Haha Gabor. Anyways, thanks to him, I've been able to write even more things, expand on ideas, and generally make better fics happen. Pro-ness!

