see that photograph
hanging on the wall?
that's you

the moment i clicked the shutter
your hand blocked my view
and thus, this picture was taken

the picture doesn't show though,
how i begged you before to please,
please don't cover your face

it doesn't show,
how i smacked you afterwards
since you failed to comply

it doesn't show,
how we got into a scuffle
which resolved itself five minutes later

it doesn't show more than
a hand concealing your face
yet it means so much to me

it reminds me that
photographs are simply captured moments
which evoke some kinds of feelings

that even when a picture is a thousand words
it can't sum up
our friendship

A/N: hihi everyone, well after training camp, which mind you was pretty darn bad, i kinda had to leave cos i had things today, silly functions. well, i wrote this after my friend, nadia dear, had her dp with melia's hand blocking her face, its kinda funny that people don't like their picture taken...
anyways, I'M STILL TALLER THAN YOU BEN!!! haha
moira out

Yesterday night
I cried out to you
"Send me a sign Lord"
Yet I saw none today

the sun rose
the grass grew green
my family was kept safe
but nothing really big happened

so I grew discouraged
and I decided,
maybe you didn't have time for me today
I'll try again tomorrow

then I see the news,
the pictures of mangled remains
of parents sobbing over a limp, lifeless child
of children sitting lost in a land of pain and hunger

then I think,
you DID have time for me today
you made sure my dad drove safely
that Singapore's in the middle of a tectonic plate
that we have strong neighbours who parry the blows of nature for us
that I didn't get hit by a car, though I forgot to look both ways when I crossed

I smiled to myself
I now know
you don't show yourself through great things
through thunderclaps or lightning bolts
miracles or magical healings
you keep me and whoever I love safe, warm and well-fed
that's all I actually need

forgive me for ever thinking
there was a time
that you forgot me

A/N: =smiles= I love having a God, he actually understands me! wow! I can't believe that anyone can understand me, I'm so complicated and passive-aggressive...well all up to Him then...
Anne/Moira Rose prayed to God today!

Can you hear me?

First Prayer, for my family
Can you hear me?
it's Anne here

Forgive me
for cursing at my parents under my breath
when they scolded my laziness

Forgive me
for screaming at my sis
she may be irritating
but she loves me

Forgive me
for never showing that I cared
to mao oo and pi o

Forgive me
I've never really spent time with Michael, David and Amanda
never helped them
or taught them

Second Prayer, for my community
Can you hear me?
it's Moira here

Forgive me
for being lazy to try my best
at whatever I do

Forgive me
for not talking to people I dislike
just because they're different

Forgive me
for thinking no one cares about me
because you've shown me otherwise

Third Prayer, for my character and my spiritual life

Can you hear me?
I'm calling out to you today
I hope you could spare
a bit of your time
to listen to a sinner's prayer.

God forgive me
for never trying to stop
biting my fingernails

Forgive me
that for most part of my life
I hid from you, thinking you couldn't see me

I pray for salvation
and a way to go to heaven

it may be hard
but if you could lend your help to me
just for a short while
maybe I'll make it through

Hear me Lord
I can't offer you much
not much talent
or gifts
other than what you gave to me

I can only give you my life
to do with what you will
guide me and keep me safe
from all evil

I'm full of doubt Lord
I wish to be free of it
As I wait for you to answer my prayer
like you always have
I will hope that
the little mustard seed of faith
can grow into something big

In Jesus' most holy name,

Thoughts on judo

All at once
you turn in
for that moment
you hoist me in the air
i hit the ground

our coach reprimands me
for not putting up a fight
i can't fight much anymore
i'm too tired
too tired of failing

you are strong
built on success and support
i'm sinking
further and further down

i choke back tears
i can't cry here
lest get scolded
yet again

i get up
and ready myself
to be thrown yet again
i can't stop you
my energy and drive are gone

i gave up
for this?

when it's too late
i regret it

A/N: well i think this just about sums up how i feel about judo at the moment. i'm always so tired to do anything and it's not like i'm any good...sighs...
anne out (i only use moira when i feel less tired...anne is only four letters yunno)

observations of the world

where is happiness?
everyone rushing around
chasing dreams of fame and fortune
instead of seeing that true happiness
begins with contentment.

where is love?
people hurrying on with their lives
for that bigger paycheck,
that bigger car
instead of treasuring the fact that
things don't need to be bigger,
to be better

where is life?
the monotony of life
the endless work
the chains of a boring office job
for what?
it won't buy you more time on earth
or a straight ticket to heaven.

i watch
as families cry over loved ones
crushed by buildings collapsed
did money keep them alive?
did fame keep them alive?
did work keep them alive?

i watch
as whirling tornadoes
tear families apart
would they have stayed together
with bigger cars?
fatter paychecks?
nicer houses?
even those lie forgotten

i watch
as families crowd around
a old grandfather
taking his last breaths
do they realise
that instead of mindlessly wasting time
chasing never-ending dreams
they should have
spent more time
learned a little more
cared a little more?

these disasters
these deaths
they can't be stopped by man

then, what makes it possible
to live on after death?
not the princely inheritance
or that million-dollar property
you're leaving to your third nephew twice removed

it's inspiring the young
learning from the old
loving more
worrying less
giving more
taking less

while the world spins on,
and life flies away so easily,
why can't we stop and remember
the things which are truly important?

A/N: i wrote this after thinking about all the people who died in the cyclone and in the earthquake. i look at the pictures and see kids even younger than me. i ask myself, did they deserve to die? to be taken away after living such a short life? i have to trust God on this one, he knows what's best for us all anyway. God bless all the families of the fallen and bless the survivors too!
moira out


okay, so here i am...ranting AGAIN
okay so today what do i do? yes you guessed it. i pulled huijun along
in my regular anne way, ie superbly fast and rash.
and what happened
she bonked into a table
of was it a chair
she got bonked pretty bad and i was to blame
and so lavu and co gives me these really evil stares like they want to kill me cos i hurt their dear friend huijun
dont get me wrong
she's my good friend too
then the fragile sliver of a friendship with them got superbly shattered
great, they already dont exactly talk to me like a friend to friend way
im just a classmate to them
they make me feel really bad
like no one in class likes me
and i feel sad and gloomy and I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!
so i was pretty gloomy
then mich came up to me and told me
"don't do that again..."
i already knew that
as in I WAS SORRY okay...
it was just that i felt so stupid and dumb standing there with everybody giving me these glares...
and then samantha, in her very nice way, told me to cheer up
thanks dear, i appreciate that...
so that's what happened in class at least
the rest of the day was fine
and i have to say
I LOVE (platonic of course) YOU JING XIAN!!!
you tried so hard today
im so proud of you
though your leg was giving you trouble and all
thankew for being such a GREAT partner!!!
eternally grateful XD
anne out


Why go on trying?
she's better
so much better

don't bother competing
i'll just lose
like the thousands of times i already have

i need to stop
stop this mindless self pity

let's face it
the world is unfair
people who don't work hard,
can still do better
working hard,
doesn't get you anywhere

that's the way it is
so stop it
stop all of this
stop trying to make it so difficult

i'm lousy
at everything
the ultimate loser
even with my friends
my family
why go on?

so please
don't make this difficult
it's bad
this poem is bad
it sounds bad

so let's face it
i'm gonna keep trying
keep slipping down
and i'll lose everything
everything i need to keep going on
then i'll know to stop,
stop myself,
from thinking i can
when i can't

A/N: so that's that...i'm not writing any more poems... thanks a LOT ben...some friend you are...i've just realised, no point in trying, i'm a LOSER, a BORN LOSER so i will stop this...STOP THIS ALL...
i can't believe i'm close to crying...stop that... you idiot, you're a judoka for pete's sake, JUDOKA'S DON'T CRY!!! so goodbye...for a long time...good riddance to me
bye world


that moment
that split second
that rain of blood
that clean incision

the stark redness of it all
the knife cutting clean across the grey back
the many bodies litter the deck
the gory scene just a way of life

that moment
that split second
that first spoonful
that rush of rich flavour

the air-conditioned luxury
the high-class restaurant
the many tables adorned with spotless white tablecloths
the special day celebrated with the most coveted dish

killed by the millions
just to be served up in bowls of soup
just to be savoured for those minutes

heir to millions of years of evolution
their survival a huge success of adaptation
just to be killed for that short period of enjoyment

kill them just to boast
accuse them of killing
when we're killing them

who are the real killers?

I see the clouds of gray
I see the dark sky before the storm
I feel my heart leaden with sadness
I feel my spirit has grown weary over time.

Why did you have to come?
And take away my happiness, my joy,
You made me weak, pitiful.

Writing poems about my pathetic state,
Hah! I can laugh at my weakness.
You, I will learn to hate you.

Why did you enter my life?
If I had known,
I would never have let you even take the first step in.

Yes, the clouds are here,
Yes, the rain shall fall,
but through the rain,
after the rain,
the rainbow will come again.
I will forget you.

this wasnt that great
oh shoot
maybe i will work more on the friendship poems
thanks zi bing for you inspirational I am poem on loving rainbows but not the rain

This poem is dedicated to someone who won't ever see it

Best Friends Forever
A promise I intended to keep
I thought it was simple enough
Though now I know I reckoned without remembering
that we were no longer in the same crowd.

You were forever comparing,
me to you
what I'd gotten to what you'd gotten
what I'd done to what you'd done.
I was the friend you could count upon to be there
even when you never were there for me.

I put up with it
because you were my first real best friend in three years
Never let you down,
though you had done it to me more times than I can count

At that time,
I couldn't bring myself to hate you
Now, I can't either

You made me feel like I had a friend,
yet like I was so inadequate a friend to you
I was not perfect,
but neither were you.

Not a child

I'm thirteen
A teen
Not a child

It's almost painful
to see that I can't laugh as freely,
smile as often

What paintbrush came
and painted the clouds so gray
painted my world dull?

It's too hard
too many responsibilities
too much stress

I can't find the silver lining anymore
when clouds stretch too far that I can't see where they stop
or whether they do stop

It all happens for a reason
good things must leave
good times must fade

I must have faith
I must have belief
I must work hard

I look out from my window
there's a happier world out there
I can almost see

There are kids
running on golden plains
laughter echoing around me

I can't go there anymore
but what I can do is build someplace like that here
I'll paint over the gray, maybe yellow, maybe orange

I'll make it beautiful
I'll make it real
since I know happiness comes to those who seek a way out of sadness

okay so this is another emo yet not poem...
not that bad
I even put in my fav colours in the poem
no prizes guessing what they are!
hoping to go back to nyps soon
maybe on marking day
emailed mrs chan liao
so i'll wait and see
lotsa platonic love,